Field Courses Offered
Our field courses offer is a result of more than two decades of research and collaboration with the oil industry in Mesozoic and Cenozoic formations in the Betic Cordillera and its surroundings for. Our experience allows us to offer magnificent examples of outcropping analogs of reservoirs formed in alluvial fan, fluvial, lacustrine, delta, beach and shelf environments, with the possibility of comparing examples developed under the influence of different allogenic factors.
We have gathered a complete catalogue of geometries of macro- and mesoscale sedimentary bodies with a diverse distribution of petrophysic heterogeneites conditioning the potental fluid displacement and the reservoir compartmentation.
The attendants to the courses will reinforce their knowledge about factors controlling prospectivity and the optimum criteria in each sedimentary environment to develop an adequate reservoir modelling and management.
The offered courses focus on specific problems of current interest for the E&P industry, but they can be adapted to the needs and goals of the attendants' group in terms of length, targets and the combination of the fieltrips with classroom content.
Why running fieldtrips in southern Spain? The recent geologic evolution of the southern Iberian Peninsula has led to the outcropping of spectacular Mesozoic and Cenozoic formations. These formations have been soundly studied by our research team and may be visited under the best climatic conditions in Europe. For an overview of the areas where the field courses will take place, please have a look at some pictures illustrating the field courses program.